Generative NNs
We’re seeing a proliferation of generative neural networks of all kinds, producing interesting content in various media. Below is a collection of links to various examples of recent work in this field. If you’re aware of others (I’m sure there are plenty more), email/tweet me and I’ll add it here.
- Deepdream
- Facebook’s images generation
- Feeding modern art to a image2txt interpreter
- Album cover generator
- Handwriting LSTM by Alex Graves
- Artistic style transfer and Torch implementation of algorithm by Justin Johnson
- Head shot transfer with video
- Generating faces
- Classical Music with LSTMs including examples and code
- Folk Music with LSTMs also see part 2
- More irish music
- An entire set performed by an LSTM
- Training to harmonize with a melody
- Char-RNN implementation of LSTM by Andrej Karpathy with lots of exmaples.
- The Bible also at least 2 twitter bots appeared: (RNNBible and RNN_Bible
- Cooking recipes
- Obama speeches
- TED Talks
- Eminem lyrics